viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2019

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Postgrades Studies 

Well even that I´ve never looked at the postgrades that Uni has (I know, shame on me, but c’mon it’s just my first year), I’ve done a quick research and I had found that I really like preservation of patrimony and urbanism, I will start explaining one by one, the first one I’ve always liked from the distance like cause I mean it’s really cool to preserved different types of old items and urbanism cause nowadays it’s seems really important due to the massive growth in the human population.

 I would like to keep studying here in Chile but if I´ve the opportunity to do it somewhere else I will do it, my teachers had told that the best places to do it are Spain, Italy and Germany and those are really cool places so I´m in the idea of it.

About how I’ll like to study it I imagine it being part time specially because I think that I’ll had to balance my time between my job (if I ever get one LOL), and my time studying, cause I’ve seen that’s how my older brothers have done it so… J .

However, I only want to stay at home and eat chips and all I am doing right now it destined to fill the 210 words. 

martes, 8 de octubre de 2019

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

My future job 

So currently I´m studying Architecture so OBVIOUSLY I´ll love to first finished the career and then start working on that, me and a couple of friends of school we want to start our own company, one of them is studying graphic design here in FAU, the other one is studying illustration, another is studying Digital Animation and the last one is studying civil engineering, so we pretty much have our team assembled, even that it´s seen like a far objective we have our minds set to that goal we still are trying figuring out a name but we are working on that.

About indoor and outdoor I´ve never liked the idea of working in an office wearing a suit looking like a tired worker, noup that’s not me, I guess you could say that I´m a restless person, I´m always moving around, I´m never steady so if it is an outside on terrain work I would be happy if could wear my pajamas while working, that would be great. 

Well about salary I´ll love to get paid a lot like everyone but like those are thing that I’ve never even think about, like I´m only at first year so I don’t even know if I still want to keep studying (JK), and I haven’t done research about majors yet. 

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019

What I'm really into 

I've always been a drawing person so now I'm challenging myself to try new technics, like now I´m really trying to step it up with watercolors, I´m used to draw feminine figures, I draw mermaids, angels, goddesses, etc. In my house, I live in the second floor and since last summer I've been painting a giant mural that I hope to get finished by this summer. 

I´m also watching this show called Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, one friend told me about and since then I’ve been watching it nonstop, I love the witchy mysterious vibe that it gives, the story, the costume design, UGH everything about it!,  It’s just great.

Resultado de imagen para caos poster netflix

I’ve recently joined to an Official Fans club, it’s about a Welsh-Greek singer called Marina, which I’m obsessed at the moment, last night she realized a new album EP which contains some of her last album songs but now in an acoustic version and I’ve listening to it all morning long, you should really listen to it give it a chance and appreciate it.

Resultado de imagen para marina diamandis love and fear

Also, my favorite singer Lana Del Rey realized a new album called Norman Fucking Rockwell a couple weeks ago so I've been blessed with her music once again. Everything about its just great, all 14 songs are the best, not a single flop, it might get in my number 1 spot of albums that she has realized so far.

Resultado de imagen para norman fucking rockwell

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2019

"The most embarrasing moment"

I guess you could say that I'm a clumsy person, I always find my way to falling or dropping things in weird situations , for example if there is a little tiny step in the middle of nowhere I will see it but also I'll probably managed to fall anyways. 

This year in the last semester I remember that I had a free time, so I left uni to buy lunch and then I was crossing Marcoleta when all of the sudden I fall but was a really hard fall and there was a lot of people around, I was with a friend who told me that I was red like a tomato and that I stand up in 1 second. I remember that the week after my body was destroyed I had a lot of bruises all over my knees and my back hurt like I was 70 years. 

I have another one, this one happened last week, get ready, I was rushing in the morning to get to the nearest metro station, because I was super late so I was going down the stairs, I checked my wallet and I found out that I left my student card in my house and in that exact moment I fall on the metro station stairs, I mean can you imagine that, it’s shameful AF. I guess you could say that I have the superpower to fall on the exact most shameful moments.

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019

My favorite Concert

my favorite concert was by far Lana Del Rey at Lollapaloza 2018 at the Ohiggins Park where she perform some of her greatest hits such as born to die, Video Games, getting to the concert was a total challenge, first of all I didn't have a ticket for lollapalooza so I was like "whatever I will watch it on tv" but then I got the hotel where lana was staying hoping to see her, but guest what I DIDN'T but what actually happen after waiting for her for 7 hours his manager appear and said to the fans club owner that lana was inviting the first 50 people who got to the hotel first. It was 7pm and she was performing at 9pm so after putting my name on the list that the manager was holding I run as fast as I can to the Ohiggins park and after I got there it was a mess cause the guards didn't have the list so I had to wait a lot of time but eventually a wa able to get in and I enjoy the music odf my idol Lana Del Rey

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2019


I had already visited the United States but one of the places that I've never been in it's New York.
Since I was a little kid I always dreamed about living in the big apple, I always dreamed about Times Square, the Central Park, the Tower of liberty, the Empire State and c'mon the subway, the iconic dusty old subway that you always see in movies, enjoying the cold snowy weather during winter and the hot and fun summer. I would love to have my own apartment in brooklyn, living my ideal hipster life, going to the iconic drag shows of the NYC drag queens, going to brodway, shopping in Times Square and experience the "the american dream" (that actually no one even belive in it anymore). I think I would probably stdudy there, maybe continuing my Architecture studies until getting the degree, then probably getting a job as an Architect, and probably setting in there, until I turn into a little old man.

Resultado de imagen para central park
Resultado de imagen para empire state

Resultado de imagen para brooklyn

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2019

My English Journey

My English Journey 

Hi, so I have always had a good relationship with english, since I was a little kid, I remember that I was the only one in the classroom that actually enjoyed the class, and that was how my english journey begin, a few years later in high school, during my freshman year, I had the opportunity to take a trip to Vancouver where I learn a lot about english and how to actually comunicate with someone whose mother tongue is english. Pretty much all the content that I consume it's surrounded by english, from music to books, so I will say that I have a pretty much good relathionship with english.