viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Postgrades Studies 

Well even that I´ve never looked at the postgrades that Uni has (I know, shame on me, but c’mon it’s just my first year), I’ve done a quick research and I had found that I really like preservation of patrimony and urbanism, I will start explaining one by one, the first one I’ve always liked from the distance like cause I mean it’s really cool to preserved different types of old items and urbanism cause nowadays it’s seems really important due to the massive growth in the human population.

 I would like to keep studying here in Chile but if I´ve the opportunity to do it somewhere else I will do it, my teachers had told that the best places to do it are Spain, Italy and Germany and those are really cool places so I´m in the idea of it.

About how I’ll like to study it I imagine it being part time specially because I think that I’ll had to balance my time between my job (if I ever get one LOL), and my time studying, cause I’ve seen that’s how my older brothers have done it so… J .

However, I only want to stay at home and eat chips and all I am doing right now it destined to fill the 210 words. 

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