viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Postgrades Studies 

Well even that I´ve never looked at the postgrades that Uni has (I know, shame on me, but c’mon it’s just my first year), I’ve done a quick research and I had found that I really like preservation of patrimony and urbanism, I will start explaining one by one, the first one I’ve always liked from the distance like cause I mean it’s really cool to preserved different types of old items and urbanism cause nowadays it’s seems really important due to the massive growth in the human population.

 I would like to keep studying here in Chile but if I´ve the opportunity to do it somewhere else I will do it, my teachers had told that the best places to do it are Spain, Italy and Germany and those are really cool places so I´m in the idea of it.

About how I’ll like to study it I imagine it being part time specially because I think that I’ll had to balance my time between my job (if I ever get one LOL), and my time studying, cause I’ve seen that’s how my older brothers have done it so… J .

However, I only want to stay at home and eat chips and all I am doing right now it destined to fill the 210 words. 

martes, 8 de octubre de 2019

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

My future job 

So currently I´m studying Architecture so OBVIOUSLY I´ll love to first finished the career and then start working on that, me and a couple of friends of school we want to start our own company, one of them is studying graphic design here in FAU, the other one is studying illustration, another is studying Digital Animation and the last one is studying civil engineering, so we pretty much have our team assembled, even that it´s seen like a far objective we have our minds set to that goal we still are trying figuring out a name but we are working on that.

About indoor and outdoor I´ve never liked the idea of working in an office wearing a suit looking like a tired worker, noup that’s not me, I guess you could say that I´m a restless person, I´m always moving around, I´m never steady so if it is an outside on terrain work I would be happy if could wear my pajamas while working, that would be great. 

Well about salary I´ll love to get paid a lot like everyone but like those are thing that I’ve never even think about, like I´m only at first year so I don’t even know if I still want to keep studying (JK), and I haven’t done research about majors yet.