viernes, 23 de agosto de 2019


I had already visited the United States but one of the places that I've never been in it's New York.
Since I was a little kid I always dreamed about living in the big apple, I always dreamed about Times Square, the Central Park, the Tower of liberty, the Empire State and c'mon the subway, the iconic dusty old subway that you always see in movies, enjoying the cold snowy weather during winter and the hot and fun summer. I would love to have my own apartment in brooklyn, living my ideal hipster life, going to the iconic drag shows of the NYC drag queens, going to brodway, shopping in Times Square and experience the "the american dream" (that actually no one even belive in it anymore). I think I would probably stdudy there, maybe continuing my Architecture studies until getting the degree, then probably getting a job as an Architect, and probably setting in there, until I turn into a little old man.

Resultado de imagen para central park
Resultado de imagen para empire state

Resultado de imagen para brooklyn

1 comentario:

  1. I always have imagine NY like a big Santiago, whit more building and more, a lot of more crazy people.
